Home WOD, 30.03.2020

Home WOD, 30.03.2020

Warm up:
2 rounds of
60“ burpee jump backs
30“ scapular push ups
60“ alt. Reverse lunges
30“ plank 2 push up pos.
30“ mountainclimbers
30“ hold at the bottom of squat
Rest 60“
5 sets of:
8 tempo air squats with backbag 32X1
10 high plank pull through
For time:
Buy in 60 DUs/180 SUs/90 plate jumps
alt. Pistols (scaled: Cossack squats)
HSPU (scaled: 4-3-2-1 wall walks)
Straight into
Air squats
Push ups
Cash out 60 Dus/180 SUs/90 plate jumps

Videogruß aus der BOX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puKyM0oP6zA