A.EMOM 121. 2-3 Rope Climbs or practice Rope Climb technique for 30-40 sec.2. 5 strict Press (help changing weight)3. L-Sit hold for 30 sec. B.4 rounds1 minute row1 minute air squats1 minute sit ups1 minute rest tipp of the day:bring socks or...
Read moreWOD, 30.08.2019
A.Build to a heavy (20 minutes)6 Thrusters B.21-18-15-12-9KB Swings (24/16kg)Thrusters (35/25kg) TC. 12 min.
Read moreWOD, 29.08.2019
A.EMOM 12odd: 5-8 strict T2Beven: 40 sec. superman hold B.Teams of 3 AMRAP 14A. 21/16 cal rowB. max reps T2BC. rest switch when Partner A finish cal row
Read moreWOD, 28.08.2019
A.6 x 5 repsFront Squat B.AMRAP 5Buy in: 50 WBS (9/6kg)16 alt. DB Snatches (22,5/15kg)12 Burpees over the DB rest 2 min. AMRAP 5Buy in: 40 WBS (9/6kg)12 alt. DB Snatches (22,5/15kg)8 Burpees over the DB
Read moreWOD, 27.08.2019
A.5 x 10 reps Bent over row (max. twice ascending weight) B.Tabata:strict Pull upcal rowpush upscal air bikeair squatscal ski erg rest 1 minute between tabatas
Read moreWOD, 26.08.2019
A.Every 90 sec. for 8 rounds3 Clean and Jerks B.10-20-30-20-10Cleans (50/35kg)Sit ups run 200m between each round TC. 20 min.
Read moreWOD, 24.08.2019
A.5 x 8 repsdeadlifts B.AMRAP 14400 m run6 deadlifts (80/60kg)18 Box Jumps (61/51cm)
Read moreWOD, 23.08.2019
A.Tabata (20/10)1: hollow hold2: superman3: plank B.EMOM 12odd: 5 strict T2B (if Knee raise hold 3 sec. at top)even: 5 deficit Push ups C.AMRAP 158 T2B16 one arm DB STOH (22,5/15kg)24 Goblet Lunges (24/16kg)
Read moreWOD, 22.08.2019
A.EMOM 53 Hang Power Snatchrest 1 min.EMOM 52 Power Snatch B.AMRAP 1230 DUs10 Snatch (40/25kg)15 KB Swings (24/16kg)
Read moreWOD, 21.08.2019
Happy Birthday, „little dynamite“! A.19-8-8-8-2-1Back Squats B.31-19-8-8-2-1 for time:Box JumpsBurpeesAir Squats TC. 31 min. A.19-8-8-8-2-1Back Squats B.31-19-8-8-2-1 for time:Box JumpsBurpeesAir Squats TC. 31 min.
Read moreWOD, 20.08.2019
A.EMOM 12odd: 5 Pull ups (any style, but if you have no strict, no kipping!)even: 5 HSPU B.10 rounds of: 10 inverted Ring Rows10 push ups TC. 20 min.
Read moreWOD, 19.08.2019
A.5-5-5-3-3-3 repsFront Squat B.for time:20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2Sit ups10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1WBS (9/6kg)
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