99 Problems Teams of 3:99 cal row99 WBS99 Jumping Jacks99 Med Ball situps (9/6kg)99 Burpees Box Jump Over99 KB Swings (24/16kg)99 10m Shuttle runs99 Thrusters (20/15kg)99 cal Air Bike (switch as needed but each athlete does 1/3 of workload, a...
Read moreWOD, 30.11.2019
A.practice DUs for 10 minutes B.6 x 4 repsBack Squats C.AMRAP 1010 T2B20 WBS (9/6kg)30 DUs
Read moreWOD, 29.11.2019
A.EMOM 12odd: 4-6 strict HSPUeven: 4-6 strict Pull ups B.AMRAP 145 HSPU10 Box Jumps (61/51cm)15 KB Swings (24/16kg)
Read moreWOD, 28.11.2019
A.Every 90 sec. for 8 rounds2 Power Cleans + 2 hang Power Cleans B.„The Chief“5 x AMRAP 3 in 19 minutesAMRAP 3 3 Power Cleans (60/40kg)6 push ups9 air squatsrest 1 min.
Read moreWOD, 27.11.2019
„Sandy’s Bauch, Beine, Po WOD“ A.3 rounds Tabata:1: V-ups2: superman hold3: hollow hold B.EMOM 12odd: 3/3 weighted pistolseven: 6/6 single leg hip thrusts (weighted if possible) C.AMRAP 1127 sit ups28 goblet squats (24/16kg)
Read moreWOD, 26.11.2019
A.Find your 3 RMOH Squats or: practice OH Squats (6 x 5 reps) B.AMRAP 122-4-6-8-10-…OH Squats (42,5/30kg)Pull ups
Read moreWOD, 25.11.2019
A.4 x 4 reps (in 10 minutes)Strict Press 4 x 4 reps (in 10 minutes)Push Press B.7 rounds:7 WBS7 single arm DB Push press 22,5/15kg (each arm)7 Burpees TC. 15 min.
Read moreEndurance, 24.11.2019
In Teams of 2: 5 rounds:500/400m row10 push ups rest 3 minutes: 5 rounds:1500/1200m bike 8 strict Pull ups Partner B starts, when Partner A finishes row/bikenote time incl. rest
Read moreWOD, 23.11.2019
A.EMOM 12odd: 6-8 Floor Presseven: 6-8 single arm DB row B.5 rounds for time:10 push ups10 C2B Pull ups (15 RR)10 push ups10 T2B TC 14 min.
Read moreWOD, 22.11.2019
A.Work on your weakness for 10 minutes B.Happy 32nd in Teams of 2:AMRAP 32 32 Sit ups22 alt. OH Lunges (20/15kg plate)11 Box Jump overs (61/51cm) i go you go (Partner A completes exercise, then partner B)
Read moreWOD, 21.11.2019
A.5/5/4/4/3/3Front Squats B.10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1DB Snatches 22,5/15kg (each arm, non alternating)1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10Burpees over the DB TC. 15 min.
Read moreWOD, 20.11.2019
A.Every 90 sec. for 8 rounds:3 Split Jerks beg.: practice Split Jerks (3-5 reps each round) B.AMRAP 1215 STOH (42,5/30kg)30 Air Squats60 DUs
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