Accessory workA. 3 rounds of 8/8/8 Y/T/W’s (bent over) (use weight or f.ex. waterbottle) 6 dips 41X1 8/8 single arm biceps curls with bag/weight/bottleB. Core-Work: 3 rounds of 25 (weighted) Russian twists Rest 30 sec. 25 V-ups Rest 30 sec. 30...
Read moreWOD, 31.03.2020
Warm up: 3 rounds 10 cat/cows 10 birddogs 10 reverse snow angels 10 pike toe touchA. Tabata: Superman hold Tabata: down ups Tabata: side plank reach throughB. For Time 50-40-30-20-10 Sit ups backbag rows lateral hop over backbag!!! Start each...
Read moreHome WOD, 30.03.2020
Warm up: 2 rounds of 60“ burpee jump backs 30“ scapular push ups 60“ alt. Reverse lunges 30“ plank 2 push up pos. 30“ mountainclimbers 30“ hold at the bottom of squat Rest 60“A. 5 sets of: 8 tempo air squats with backbag 32X1 10 high plank pull...
Read moreHome WOD, 28.03.2020
Warm up: 3 rds of 10/10 windmills 10 airsquats 10 hollow rocks 20 Jumping jacks then „Deck of cards“ ♥ Goblet squat ♦. G2OH ♠ T2KB ♣ bent over row 🃏1 20 Burpee Tuck Jumps 🃏2 100 JJ (DUs/SUs) Also possible: Deck of Cards in teams of 2!! Partner A...
Read moreHome WOD, 27.03.2020
Warm up: 2 rounds 10 scapula push ups 10/10 shoulder taps 10 lunge fw/side/ back (5 per side) 10 bent over T raises A. EMOM 12 Odd: 5 deficit push ups Even: 8-10 table rows B. „Norwegian Livingroom throwdown“ Workout 3: 9 min ladder: 4 – 8...
Read moreHome WOD, 26.03.2020
Warm up 3 Rounds: 5 Yoga push ups 10 down ups 10/10 perfect stretch 10 squat rocks A. „Norwegian Liviningroom Throwdown“ Workout 2: Max. Time Handstand Hold B. „Norwegian Livingroom Throwdown“ Workout 1: 10 Rounds for time 30 air squats 10...
Read moreHome WOD, 25.03.2020
Warm up: Amrap 7 7 down ups 7 air squats 7 walk outs 7/7 lunges with twistA. Core Tabata 8 rounds 20 on/10 off 1: V-ups/Hollow rocks 2: T2 KB (bed,sofa,table) 3: plank (lift right leg/left leg/ r. arm/l. arm)B. For time 21-18-15-12-9-12-15-18-21...
Read moreHome WOD, 24.03.2020
Warm up Jog in place for 60 sec or SUs 20 pass throughs 20/20 leg swings 20/20 leg swings lateral 10/10 perfect stretch Jog in place for 60 sec or SUs thruster – „Sally“ (use broomstick) A. 6 sets of 5/5 (weighted) pistols 30 sec handstand...
Read moreHome WOD, 23.03.2020
Warm Up: 3 rounds of 10 bear crawl forward 10 bear crawl backward 10 crab walks fw 10 crab walks bw 10 mountain climbersA. Amrap 12 30 Jumping Jacks 30 Push ups Rest 2 min Amrap 12 20 burpees 20 dips Rest 2 minB. 100 situps for time Video link...
Read moreHome WOD, 21.03.2020
Warm up 2 rounds of 60 sec. High Knee Jog in place 10 inch worms 20 alt. reverse lunges 10 warrior squats 10 down/twist/up A. NOT for time 20-18-16-14-12-10 alt. Curtsy squats Knee 2 elbow in high plank Bird dogs B. AMRAP 15 60 DUs / 120 SUs / 60...
Read moreHome WOD, 20.03.2020
Warm up 2 rounds of 30 sec russian Babymakers 30 sec side Plank right 30 sec side plank left 30 alt cossack squats 60 sec wall sit hold 60 sec burpees A. EMOM 20 1: 12 Thruster (use loaded backbag) 2: 45 sec mountain climber 3: Max reps burpees...
Read moreWOD, 19.03.2020
At minute 00:00 EMOM15 1: 20 airsquats 2: 45 sec plank 3: 15 G2OH (use bag or backbag) REST 3 minutesAt min 18:00 4 rounds of 2 min 15 situps 15 air squats Max reps jump lunges in the remaining time REST 60 sec between roundsAt min 33:00 4 rounds...
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