A. 6/6/6/4/4/4 Front Squats B. 4 rounds for time 24 Air Squats 24 Push-Ups 24 Walking Lunges 400 meter Run TC. 16 min.
Read moreWOD, 30.06.2020
A. E2MOM for 6 sets 3 strict Press then Every 90 sec. for 3 sets 8 reps @ 50% of your last set B. AMRAP 12 8 Burpee Box Jump over (61/51cm) 16 alt. DB Snatches (22,5/15kg)
Read moreWOD, 29.06.2020
A. E2MOM for 7 sets 5 Back Squats (ascending weight) B. 21-15-9 goblet squats (24/16kg) push ups into 15-12-9 Pull ups goblet hold lunges each leg (24/16kg) TC. 14 min.
Read moreEndurance, 28.06.2020
In teams of 2 AMRAP 20 max cal row (partners switch after:) E2MOM 5 synchro burpees start with burpees!!! Rest 2 min AMRAP 20 max cal airbike (partners switch after:) E2MOM 5 WBS (both partners at same time) (9/6kg) start with WBS!!!
Read moreWOD, 27.06.2020
A. EMOM 5 5 strict Press EMOM 5 4 Push Press EMOM 5 3 Push Jerk B. 3 rounds 10 single arm DB Push press each arm (22,5/15kg) 20 sit ups 400 m run TC. 14 min.
Read moreWOD, 26.06.2020
A. Every 90 sec. for 8 sets 2 hang Power Snatch + 2 OH Squats B. 5 rounds for time 12 Deadlifts (50/35kg) 9 OH Squats (50/35kg) 6 hang Power Snatch (50/35kg) TC. 15 min.
Read moreWOD, 25.06.2020
A. EMOM 12 odd: 4-6 strict ring dips even: 4-6 strict T2B B. Teams of 2: AMRAP 5 A: 15 cal row B: max. reps american KB Swings (24/16kg) rest 2 min. AMRAP 5 A: 15 cal bike B: max. reps weighted V-ups (5/2,5kg) Score = cal + reps
Read moreWOD, 24.06.2020
A. EMOM 12 odd: 4-8 strict Pull ups even: 4-6 strict HSPU B. For time: 100 WBS (9/6kg) E2MOM perform 5 HSPU (start with HSPU) TC. 15 min.
Read moreWOD, 23.06.2020
A. 5 rounds for quality 7 V-ups 7 hollow rocks 7 sec. hollow hold 20 sec. rest then 5 x 5 reps deadlifts B. 4 rounds 10 T2B 20 Push ups 40 air squats TC. 14 min.
Read moreWOD, 22.06.2020
A. EMOM 5 3 Push Press EMOM 5 3 Front Squat EMOM 5 3 Thruster B. AMRAP 12 10 Thrusters (42,5/30kg) 15 Pull ups 30 DUs
Read moreEndurance, 21.06.2020
„Astrid’s Birthday WOD“ In teams of 3 AMRAP 43 43 cal AirBike (swith as needed) 21 Med Ball situps (each member) (9/6kg) 6 Synchro Burpees 43 cal Row (switch as needed) 21 WBS (each member) (9/6kg) 6 Synchro Burpees
Read moreWOD, 20.06.2020
A. 5 x 5 reps deadlift (ascending weight, focus on technique) B. EMOM 18 1: 15/10 cal Airbike 2: 5 deadlift(60/40kg) + 5 bar facing burpees 3: 12 alt. DB Snatches (22,5/15kg)
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