A. EMOM 15 1: 2 weighted Pull ups or 3-5 strict Pull ups 2: 20 sec. ring support hold 3: 20 sec. weighted hollow rocks (accumulate if necessary) B. AMRAP – 3 min. max sit ups – 2 min. 30 sec. max air squats – 2 min. max pull ups...
Read moreEndurance, 30.09.2020
Every 6 min for 36 min: 25/20 cal Row/Airbike/10 BBJO 5/5 one-arm-DB-Thruster (22,5/15kg) 20 alt. renegade rows (22,5/15kg)
Read moreWOD, 30.09.2020
A. E2MOM x 6 3 hang power clean (ascending weight) B. 6 rounds for time: 12 KB Swings (24/16kg) 9 hang Power Cleans (60/40kg) 6 Front Squats (60/40kg) TC. 15 min.
Read moreWOD, 29.09.2020
A. take 10 minutes to work to heavy triple deadlifts then E2MOM x 4 3 deadlifts B. AMRAP 9 6 deadlifts (80/60kg) 9 T2B 12 WBS (9/6kg)
Read moreWOD, 28.09.2020
A. EMOM 4 3 strict Press EMOM 4 3 push Press EMOM 4 3 Push Jerk B. 3 rounds 12 Pull-ups 15 Shoulder to Overhead (50/35kg) 18 Box Jumps (61/51cm) TC. 15 min.
Read moreEndurance, 27.09.2020
Each station for time 00:00 – 15:00 6 rounds of: 12/9cal row 10 burpees 15:00 – 30:00 6 rounds of: 12/9 cal Airbike 10 DB Box Step over (22,5/15kg) 30:00 – 45:00 6 rounds of: 50 DUs 10 alt. DB Snatches (22,5/15kg)
Read moreWOD, 26.09.2020
Simoni’s Birthday Funday In Teams of 2 (i go, you go/switch after each exercise): Buy in: 1990m row/bike (switch as needed) AMRAP 30 25 KB Swings (24/16kg) 9 ring dips 25 WBS (9/6kg) 9 Burpee to target buy out: 1990m row/bike (switch as...
Read moreWOD, 25.09.2020
A. Warm up for Snatch then EMOM 24 1: 12/10 cal bike 2: 3-5 Snatch TnG (same weight) 3: 12/10 cal row 4: rest rest 3 min. for time: 25 T2B 9 Power Snatch (weight from EMOM) 20 Bent over row 20 russian twist (10/5kg plate) TC. 10 min.
Read moreWOD, 24.09.2020
A. Find your 1 RM Front Squat B. AMRAP 10 10 Front Squats (50/35kg) 20 push ups 30 sit ups
Read moreEndurance, 23.09.2020
For Time: In teams of 2 4000m row A: row B: 10/10 1 arm-DB-Thruster (22,5/15kg) 20 med ball situps (6/4 kg) (switch after each round) rest 4 min 10000m AirBike A: airbike B: 20 WBS (9/6kg) 20 T2KB (switch after each round)
Read moreWOD, 23.06.2020
A. E2MOM x 3 Hang Power Clean + Power Clean then E2MOM x 3 Clean High Pull + Power Clean then E2MOM x 3 Power Clean B. For time: 30 T2B 15 Power Cleans (50/35kg) 30 Box Jump overs (61/51cm) 15 Power Cleans (50/35kg) 30 T2B TC. 15 min.
Read moreWOD, 22.09.2020
A. EMOM 15 1: 4-6 strict Pull ups 2: 10-15 weighted V-ups 3: 5/5 single DB strict Press B. AMRAP 12 12 alt. DB Snatches (22,5/15kg) 12 Burpees 12 Pull ups
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