Warm up 2 rounds 10 arm circles each direction 30 sec. backbag romanian Deadlifts 30 sec. wall squat 30 sec. walkouts A. EMOM 10 1: 10/10 single leg Romanian DL with Backbag 1: 20“ birddog hold per side B. 5 rounds of 5 push ups 10 situps 15 airsquats then 50 Backbag cleans Rest 2 min. 4 rounds of 5 push ups 10 situps 15 airsquats then 40 backbagsquats Rest 2 min. 3 rounds of 5 push ups 10 situps 15 airsquats then 30 backbag thrusters video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYB9A3Pf2Y0 #staystrongaustria