Warm up: Mobility 10 Cat/Cows 10 Toe touches in pike 30 sec. twisted pec stretch 10 narrow grip overhead raises (lying on stomach) 10 passthroughs lying on stomach 10 passthroughs 10 narrow grip overhead squats then 2 rounds of 45“on/15“off High Knees in Place static goblet squat hold alt. Lateral lunge Plank to pushup A. 3 Rounds of 45“on/15 off handstand hold or front leaning rest backbag curls russian twist B. EMOM 18 1: 20 Backbag push press 2: 5-10 dynamic push ups 3: 20 sec. (each side) side plank video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsPQts2dq9M Online WOD at 17:00 #staystrongaustria