Home WOD, 07.04.2020

Warm up:
1 min each station
Jog in place
Jumping Jacks
Jog in place
Tuck jumps
Jog in place
Burpee tuck jumps

odd: accumulate 20 sec. L-Sit hold
even: 30 sec. reverse chinese plank

„12 days of quarantine“
1 = 3 burpees
2 G2OH with odd object
3 V ups
4 Goblet reverse lunges each leg
5 Thruster with odd object
6 HSPU or pike push ups
7 Jumping squats
8 HR pushups
9/9 single leg glute bridges on chair
10 Situps
11/11 Pistols (scaled: cossack squats)
12 Jumping lunges

1st round
3 burpees
2nd round:
2 G2OH
3 burpees
3rd round:
3v ups
2 G2OH
3 burpees
4th round:
4 lunges each leg
3 v-ups
2 G2OH
3 burpees
…continue with same pattern

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GEPaDGyyyA