A. Work on DUs for 15 minutes B. 4 rounds for time: 40 DUs (80 SUs) 30 KB Swings (24/16kg) 20 push ups 10 T2B TC. 15 min.
Read moreWOD, 06.08.2020
A. EMOM 4 3-5 Snatch Grip behind the neck Push press (empty Barbell or light weight) Every 90 sec. for 6 sets 3-5 OH Squats B. For Time: 21-15-9 Overhead Squat (42,5/30kg) lateral Bar Burpee TC. 10 min. rest 5 min. then repeat For Time: 21-15-9...
Read moreWOD, 05.08.2020
A. 6/6/4/4/2/2 Front Squats B. AMRAP 9 1 Goblet Squat (24/16kg) 2 Box Jump Overs 3 Goblet Squat (24/16kg) 4 Box Jump Overs 5 Goblet Squat (24/16kg) . . . etc. „Finisher of the day“ 3 rounds: 30 sec. banded biceps curls 30 sec. banded...
Read moreWOD, 04.08.2020
A. EMOM 12 odd: 3 strict + 3 kipping HSPU even: 6-8 strict pull ups B. for time: 30 Pull ups 45 STOH (35/25kg) 60 Sit ups 45 Pull ups 30 STOH (35/25kg) TC. 14 min.
Read moreWOD, 03.08.2020
A. Work on pistols for 12 minutes then EMOM 12 odd: 4-6 strict T2B even: 8-10 weighted hip trusts B. AMRAP 7 8 T2B 12 Alternating Pistols
Read moreEndurance, 02.08.2020
Every 6 min for 36min – 2 rounds each station 1) 400m run 12 DB Thruster (22,5/15kg) 12 burpees over DB 200m run 2) 400m row 12 american KB swings (24/16kg) 12 burpees over the rower 200m row 3) 1200m airbike 12 WBS (9/6kg) 12 burpees to...
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