A. EMOM 4 3-6 narrow grip OH Squat (empty barbell) then Every 90 sec. for 5 sets 3 OH Squats B. AMRAP 15 3 rounds 25 Pull ups 25 air squats into max rounds: 40 DUs (80 SUs) 20 alt. OH lunges (20/15kg plate) score = DUs + lunges
Read moreWOD, 19.08.2020
A. EMOM 12 odd: 4-6 strict HSPU even: 1/1 turkish get up B. In Teams of 3 AMRAP 20 A: 300m row (Pacemaker) B: max reps Push ups C: single DB Box Step ups (22,5/15kg, 61/51cm)
Read moreWOD, 18.08.2020
A. EMOM 15 1: 8/8 KB suitcase deadlifts 2: 3/3 weighted pistols 3: 3 strict T2B + 3 kipping T2B B. AMRAP 8 6 Burpees 8 Toes to Bar 10 WBS (9/6kg)
Read moreWOD, 17.08.2020
A. Every 90 sec. for 6 sets 2 Squat Clean (or Power Clean) + 1 Push Jerk B. 5 rounds for time: 12 KB Swings (24/16kg) 12 Push Press ( 42,5/30kg) 12 lateral Bar hops TC. 15 min.
Read moreWOD, 15.08.2020
A. Every 90 sec. for 4 rounds 3 Push Press Every 90 sec. for 4 rounds 5 Front squats Every 90 sec. for 4 rounds 3 Thruster B. AMRAP 9 3-6-9-12-… Thruster (42,5/30kg) T2B
Read moreWOD, 14.08.2020
A. 5 rounds for quality: 7 V-ups 7 hollow rock 7 sec. hollow hold 20 sec. rest B. Teams of 2 (i go, you go) 100/90/80 cal bike (mm/fm/ff) 80 KB Swings (24/16kg) 60 WBS (9/6kg) 60 Burpees 80 Box Jumps (61/51cm) 100/90/80 cal row (mm/fm/ff) TC. 30...
Read moreWOD, 13.08.2020
A. EMOM 15 1. 5/5 single arm DB floor Press 2. 10 nose to wall Handstand Marching 3. 3-5 strict Ring Dips B. AMRAP 8 5 HSPU 10 alt. DB Snatches (22/5/15kg) 30 DUs
Read moreWOD, 12.08.2020
A. Warm up for B B. „Tribute to Beirut“ For Time: Buy-In: 135 Air Squats Then, 4 Rounds of: 8 Bar Muscle-Ups 20 Power Cleans (52/38 kg) 20 Front Squats (52/38 kg) Buy-Out: 102 Sit-Ups
Read moreWOD, 11.08.2020
A. EMOM 16 1: 5/5 seated single arm DB strict Press 2: 15 weighted V-ups 3: 5 Bat Wings 5111 4: 20 sec. chin over Bar hold B. AMRAP 8 8 STOH (50/35kg) 12 Pull ups 16 WBS (9/6kg)
Read moreWOD, 10.08.2020
A. EMOM 3 3 Snatch Pull EMOM 3 3 Snatch high Pull EMOM 3 3 hang Power Snatch EMOM 3 3 Power Snatch B. 4 rounds for time: 200 m run 14 Burpees 10 T2B 6 Power Snatch (50/35kg) TC. 16 min.
Read moreEndurance, 09.08.2020
In teams of 2 Buy in: 1 mile run (8x200m relay) Immediately followed by For time as a team (partition reps as needed) 100 cal row/airbike 80 box jumps (61/51cm) 60 KB swings (24/16kg) 40 goblet squats (24/16kg) 20 burpees 40 goblet squats...
Read moreWOD, 08.08.2020
A. Prepare MUs, C2B and Pullups for the WOD (approx. 15 min.) then 4-5 sets 3 hang Power Cleans + 2 Power Cleans (tng) + 1 Squat Clean B. Complete for time: 30 Pull-ups 15 Bar Facing Burpee 12 Hang Power Clean (50/35kg) 20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups...
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